Not Forgotten

So this weekend was by far, a good one. To start it off, two of our best guy friends came to visit, which was, as you can hopefully imagine, really really awesome. We had a blast. 😀 We went on like 3 walks,  New record people” *applause and cheers* Which is, firstly, the most walks I’ve done in a day, and secondly, done while guests have been present in our house. We played music, on instrumentals because Friend S, Brother, Sister, and Me are all musical human beings…Friend N and Brother did some electronic music production. We also went to the beachy beach, which was flippen amazeballs.

Talking about amazeballs, I recently watched So Undercover…and what an awesome movie that is! It was light, it was funny, and there was a hottie thrown into the mix as well 😛 If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend watching it as soon as possible. In my humble opinion though, Miley didn’t really pull off the badass cop, but it is enjoyable and light entertainment for those boring evenings when ‘the life’ is not around.

It's the beach, People! Pretty innit

It’s the beach, People! Pretty innit

That’s the Beach.

The sunset I found, that I am in the process of copying and painting,

I painted today. Be happy. I started my first ever oil, and I have to say that I found the medium to be very enjoyable and easy to work with. I am doing a picture that I found on the interwebs, of a really stunning sunset. So far it’s going really well, I have almost finished the mountainy part.  I love art! ^_^ 

Anyhow, tune in on next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for more from me.

Hugs and chocolate for all

Anna ♥