Italy’s coast road

Italy, the place of sunshine, olive trees and Fiat 500’s. Their coastal roads are breathtakingly beautiful and their pasta…well…. let’s just hope it is fantastic!
I, of course have never been there in the whole of my life, I would love to though before I die, mostly because of the Fiat 500’s. My dad has one, his first car. Guess what it cost him… R300 , come on! we would die for a car deal like that.
Unfortunately he isn’t road worthy at the moment since he has some body issues to deal with, like rust and floors which are almost non existent. But he can (sometimes) run on the farm here which is cool. 🙂
I shall maybe post a picture of old Hobnol sometime, juuust maybe. 🙂
PS. he is meant to be red. I’m merely saying..