The Note River

“Music is a rhythm, fluctuating within our souls. We breathe it, feed upon it and sleep in it. Music is present within everything we do, whether we’re listening or not.

Open your hearts, and it comes flowing in like a river…a river of notes.
You can choose to let it in or close it off.. it’s your choice.” 

My dream Guitar...Gibson sg custom blue

My dream guitar…Gibson sg, custom blue

Not Forgotten

So this weekend was by far, a good one. To start it off, two of our best guy friends came to visit, which was, as you can hopefully imagine, really really awesome. We had a blast. 😀 We went on like 3 walks,  New record people” *applause and cheers* Which is, firstly, the most walks I’ve done in a day, and secondly, done while guests have been present in our house. We played music, on instrumentals because Friend S, Brother, Sister, and Me are all musical human beings…Friend N and Brother did some electronic music production. We also went to the beachy beach, which was flippen amazeballs.

Talking about amazeballs, I recently watched So Undercover…and what an awesome movie that is! It was light, it was funny, and there was a hottie thrown into the mix as well 😛 If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend watching it as soon as possible. In my humble opinion though, Miley didn’t really pull off the badass cop, but it is enjoyable and light entertainment for those boring evenings when ‘the life’ is not around.

It's the beach, People! Pretty innit

It’s the beach, People! Pretty innit

That’s the Beach.

The sunset I found, that I am in the process of copying and painting,

I painted today. Be happy. I started my first ever oil, and I have to say that I found the medium to be very enjoyable and easy to work with. I am doing a picture that I found on the interwebs, of a really stunning sunset. So far it’s going really well, I have almost finished the mountainy part.  I love art! ^_^ 

Anyhow, tune in on next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for more from me.

Hugs and chocolate for all

Anna ♥

Notes, Noting, Noted

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”

—Friedrich Nietzsche—

Music has always been a big part of my childhood. By the age of 7, my sister, brother and myself were doing recorder (Yes, recorder) That lasted for a coupla years, then one of our close friends started a music class every Thursday, which has since grown to exponential levels. But until about 5 years ago, I didn’t really take an active interest in actually playing any form of instrument (other than the recorder, but that wasn’t actually an interest, just sadness) Then I decided one day, (I was about 11) that I was going to learn the acoustic guitar, so I got my beloved mother to teach me a few chords on my tiny, kid sized, nylon stringed guitar. Ohh, I was so proud..I treated my fandamily to a weekly recital of Silent Night, (The only song I could play at the time) shame. My music then subsided into a monotonous whirl of Silent Night and about two other ‘3 chord’ songs, I forget the names. Then about 3 years ago, (when we moved to Langebaan) I decided to take it seriously. A performing arts school in Bloemfontein, sends out ‘tour-teams’ to the different provinces in SA, and provide churches with week or two week long classes in whatever field, be it, music, dance, multimedia, mime, whatever. So in 2011, I decided, together with my sister, that I was going to do vocals, since I had always loved singing. So at the end of our hourly classes, everyday, for a week. I felt that I should get the singer of the year award (really, I wasn’t that good..It’s embarrassing)


“Where words fail, music speaks.”

— Hans Christian Andersen —

So anyways, the next Creare, I did piano. I thought (once again) that I should win some sort of piano award, maybe for the Best Upcoming Piano Artist of the Year…..*hmmm, not really*
Moving on. I am now learning piano, drums, acoustic guitar, bass, and I would love to start learning electric guitar. I played piano for the first time at church a few weeks ago….and holy hufflepuff, was it scary or was it scary! But the Lord helped me through, and I made it out alive with a few compliments. Whoop. 😀 Needless to say, I am still a bit in the clouds

So, if you enjoyed it, please let me know in the comments, I would really appreciate feedback. Thanks.

Love y’all much

Me ♥


Today, I’m just gonna post a quickie, due to lack of time and inspiration.

Born to be awesomeSee the awesome…Feel the awesome…Sense the awesome

How cool is that, I thought it was pretty cool, which is why I decided to share the awesome with you guys….I just realized I use the word ‘awesome’ a hell of a lot :O Any way, see you guys for a longer, more exciting time next monday!

Love y’all

A.M ♥

Exciting Newsles!!!!

H.E.L.L.O, A.W.E.S.O.M.E, P.E.O.P.L.E 

I don’t have any exciting news actually…made that up..sorry :/ Anyways, to cheer you guys up.. here is a cheeky little hedgehog I drew a while ago.

Cheeky little thing, ain't she ?

Cheeky little thing, ain’t she ?

Are you sufficiently cheered up? So my last week, *meh* Oh dear…Lets just say it contributed to my social life more than my education…Friday was awesome though, we went to our old youth in Cape Town and saw all our friendlings. *Grinny grin grin*

Sooo, anyhow I have done a dramatic career change..from a farmer to an *drumroll* ILLUSTRATOR!!! Yay, that’s awesome. Here is another hedgehog piccyture because I don’t know what to write…

Spreeaad the Looove ♥

Spreeaad the Looove ♥

Once there was a panda

Who had a some bamboo

He ate it on the hill

The end


That was a poem I wrote.


Chat ya all ♥

A.n.n.a M.o.n.t.a.n.a

PS. Its now short and tee-shirt weather…Yaay

The First Day!!!

Hi…So it’s actually monday…surprise surprise..Aaaand it’s the first day of the holidays!!!!! 😀 Yaaay, so today my bro, sis and myself spent the day literally watching movies.

Ya….it was cool. I have a serious headache though, “Bit miffy then” you might (not?) whisper… I love the holidays, but this one’s only a week 😦 Roll on December :O


Anna Montana ♥ ♥ ♥

PS. Here is a poem that I wrote last night

Once, a little budgie
Ate a little fudgie
It also ate, a cream cupcake and then a muffin for healthy’s sake

Ta daaaaa. I hope you enjoyed that 😀 I wrote it in like 5 min “impressive” you breathe..”THAnk you” I say enthusiastically…

Buyyeeeeeee, tune in next week for more 😉

The Tumblr Effect

I have succumbed………………to Tumblr :O Yes I have my own Tumblr bloggie blog, *collective gasp* But don’t worry I shan’t neglect you guys, well not anymore than I do already “I’m sorry” I whisper softly…..”I wanted to blog yesterd’ but the computer was otherwise engaged, just note that living with 4 other people that need the poor old thing for work, school, and play, blogging doesn’t take the highest priority in our household….I want to get a laptop, but as I hope you awesome peeps know, these things are rather expensive, and I would have to buy it myself……buuuut small problem, I don’t have have a job, :/ Whiiiich I also want to get. 

Anyway, enough. I shall carry on with my post….because I’m taking forever, and boring Y’all. So I don’t actually know what to say…..I mean what can I say. I have a Tumblr account, finally. It’s called, randomstuffifancy. I shall post the link bellooow, actually I’m going to post it heeeere, because I want to. *canned and very forced laugh* I’m sorry, that’s just weird. Anyhow, please check out the link, and just bear in mind that I actually only started it like last night hence the one post “More will come” Someone (maybe me) yells from the back. heehee. A.n.y.w.a.y, I really don’t know what more to say about it really…..any ideas????

Sooooo, check out the linking link to my rather unimpressive Tumblr, and I will see you awesome weeples next week



Awesome is Awesome – The Holidays: Part Two

So it’s Monday, 3 weeks later. Just to make me feel better, I did actually start this last Monday, but then life swooped in and took my time away. “very rude”  As always, I am ultra quick to apologize, “Sowey for not posting for not posting for the last 3 weeks, Please forgive me.” *insert puppy eyes and undignified sniffle* Anyhoo, so since that’s that, I think that without further ado, we can carry on from last week, ahem two weeks back. So what did we finish with? I can’t remember “Because you’re now old,” My sister would add. “Come come, that is a bit harsh don’t you think?” I protest, but to no avail…..  It was the morning after Friend’s birthday, Friend R,  Friend T, Sister, Brother, and Myself, were absolutely zombied, we only arose late, and spent the rest of the morn, playing board games. After a rather nommy lunch which we made ourselves and messed the kitchen up…a little bit, we got picked up by Friend R’s mom, and transported back to their abode, and we spent the rest of the day being frantic(ly tired) because we had to get ready for Winter Camp that was happening the next day…… The Next Day – Quite earlyish in the Morning: As you can (hopefully) see from the title, it is the next day.  We awoke and got dressed in record time (speed dressing, I believe it’s called) Gulped down some breakfast (Very unladylike, I might add) We had to be at the campsite at 10:00am which was very very early considering we had gone to sleep at 3am or something crazy like that the previous night…But we got there, early. We were right there in Fishhoek, which was very handy since camp was in Fishhoek, we were the first campers. Surprise, we’re usually late…for everything. Anyway, so we waited….and we waited…..and we waited……and we waited until some more friends arrived and then we talked until we had to help with carrying with the many camping people’s bags “I didn’t carry very many” The other campers arrived by train…which always takes a long time, and then they had to walk from the station to the campsite, which also took a long time, so needless to say, camp started very much later than planned. So, eventually we had finished running around greeting our friendlings whom we hadn’t seen for about 2 days to others who we hadn’t seen for much longer, about 6 months. Yes, living on a farm doesn’t help my social life at all. Then we got settled into our dorms, met our dorm-mates, I didn’t have to, I was stuck with my friends, it was awesome! We then got called for either lunch and the introductory speech by the youth leader, and the camp lady (who didn’t like us at all) Finally, we got to eat lunch, I was starving out of my socks. Then it was free-time, in which there was tuckshop, which was rather fabulous, hee hee. After free-time, we separated into teams, and thought of a team names, and a song, our name was The Lazy People. We chose that name because all the other previous camps we’ve been to, we have chosen a very presumptive name such as The Party Rockers or something like that, and we have been the complete opposite. So we chose a name that said we didn’t really expect much of ourselves, and guess what…we rocked! Our song was a smash up of Grenade, and The Lazy song by Bruno Mars, the song is below… “I’d catch a grenade for you Throw my hand on a blade for you I’d jump in front of a train for you You know I’d do anything for you….. But today I don’t feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed Don’t feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone ‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything, nothing at all ooh ooh ooh, nothing at all ooh ooh ooh, nothing at all..” Tada, what’d y’all think? We were awesome, we won every game, except one, and that was only because Friend R fell over and hurt her knee, she survived thankfully. 😛 Then it was supper, which was delicious, those camp cooks really knew how to cook, it wasn’t like normal camp food at all. 🙂 After that, it was session 1, we all trooped out to the hall, and got settled, and then worship started. Worship at camp, is always amazingly awesome, God’s presence is always there, very palpable. So then we had an unbelievable session, both of worship and the talk. Following on from that, it was chill time before bed and/or bedtime, for the oldies, ie: me. 😛 I went to bed.   The Next Day:  We woke up at 7:00am, to a stunning view of the mountain, then the loudspeaker (which was attached to an equally loud person,) barged in, demanding that we awaken, and rise, half of which we had already accomplished. We rose and assembled for group time, then we made our way down to breakfast, ate, socialised, and went to the second session with expectant hearts. After the session, there were seminars we attended on different topics that related to us. I chose one on how to implement a bible time into a busy life style, which has been a problem for me for the last couple of years. It was very informative, and I am happy to add that I now have a bible time, or a time with God most or every morning. After the seminar, it was lunch and then free-time. During my free-time, me and a couple of friends practised a song for the talent show, happening later that night, it didn’t go well. After free-time, it was game time, and then it was supper, I was ravenously hungry, and I ate like a horse. Session number 3 came up, and we had an awesome time just chilling in the presence of the Almighty. After that, we had a short relaxing time, and then it was the talent show. Our act was just embarrassing, I shan’t dwell. The talent in that church is just incredible, there was one dancing group, Carbon X, who were just too good. They did an improv dance to a dubstep track, IT.WAS. AMAZING!!! 😀 We went to bed.   Day Three:  We woke up, again before the loudspeaker, had grouptime, breakfasted, and went into session 4, which was awesome, but sad because it was our last day 😦 Then we had to go and pack up our dorms, tidy them and have lunch. Then the worst part of the camp arrived, we had to say goodbye to everyone. As everyone says, it’s always hard to say goodbye, anyway we managed to contain our tears and say a decent farewell….Most of them we were seeing the next day anyway, for it was one of our friend’s party. It was still sad though. 😥 Then Friend R’s mom came to pick us up, and we left.   I hope y’all enjoyed that, and that you didn’t fall asleep too much, I almost did, No kidding. I am super super suuuuper tired, and once again I apologise for not taking the time to blog regularly, I hope it will change. \ Tune in next week for more on Our Holidays Anna Montana 🙂

Mondays and Me

Hi again,

I have decided that I am going to try post every Monday(I know it’s Tuesday today.) So if my posts turn out to be incredibly boring and slow, that is simply because Mondays and I don’t really have the same outlook on life, I generally have quite a positive angle on life, whereas Mondays has made it their personal mission to make themselves as miserable and grim as possible. 😦 I really feel sorry for Mondays, they don’t have a very nice job, being the first day after a weekend.

Anyhoo, that’s all the news I have now. Until next Monday however.

See Ya!

Anna Montana ♥

Noodles and Apricots – The Holidays: Part one

Hello Bloggers,
It would seem as though I have decided to blog again (cue: cheers) But before I begin, I just want to say, that this post has nothing to do with noodles or apricats. (whatever they are) I just needed a title, so I made a completely unrelated one up. Hmm, makes sense.
So my news for the last few weeks. I have been on holiday, which has been great, buuut now it’s ended, which sucks. There were some great highlights though, and some lowlights 😦 unfortunately, but lets start with the highlights.


One of my dearest friendling’s 16th birthday was on Monday, the 8th of July. She had a Oscar themed murder mystery. Oh my gravy, it was fun! All the guys were in suits and smart shoes, and the ladies were full of glamour and allurement. I myself felt that I did a tolerable job with my outfit, as you can see in the photo.

Attitude So, that is me and my little sister in our pre party gear, here at home, minus the bling. 😉 (“Who’s who?” You might whisper) Oh, I’m sorry, lil’ sis is in the long dress and I’m in the short one. I apologise for the amount of ‘attitude’ in the poses, but we were home alone, we had our first dress up party in a coupla days, and we just get really over excited. Any how, we will now skip to the day of the party itself.

The Morning: Us girls (meaning Me, Sis, and the Friend with whom we were staying) got dropped off at Cavendish Mall in Cape Town, where we browsed and shopped for small things until Friend’s mom came to pick us up. Then we went back home and ate lunch and organised what acessories we were going to wear.

 The Afternoon:  We suddenly realised what the time was (3:00pm) and had a quick panic attack, (the party started at 7:00pm) because we still had to get dressed, do our make up, and pack some stuff up, all while keeping Friend’s two foster sisters under control (very stressful) I was elected to go and keep the girls entertained while the other two had their make up done, so I went to their room, took out the lego and the train set, and played trains with them for about an hour, until I was summoned for my make up session, (I have never played so much train in my life, not even when I was a kid.) My make up was duly done and we got dressed, (speed dressing) Then, perhaps the cherry on top was, I then discovered my stockings which I was going to wear, had probably the worst ladders in them, that I have ever seen (cue, gasp). I rushed to Friend (who was getting her hair done) and informed her of my stockingless position, aaaand she said that she had some invisi stockings, I almost hugged her then and there, but since her mom had in her hand, a hot flat iron, I decided against it.

We all got our hair, make up, and packing done that we had to do, and we set off….

The Party: We ended up arriving fashionably late, (Ok, we actually arrived at about 6:55pm, but shhh 😉 ) And once we had dismounted our trusty carriage and gone inside, we re-met so many people from our childhood, ok not so many, like 2. But we saw all our friends who we hadn’t seen for about six months which was absolutely fab

Character List:

  1. Vanity Affair (A Millionaire)
  2. Dana Darling (Hollywood Diva)
  3. Angel Wood (Aspiring Actress)
  4. Steffi Wood (Actress)
  5. Jada Broken (Actress)
  6. Barbie Doll (Pop star and Aspiring Actress
  7. Natasha Gibson (Young Actress)
  8. Lola Talent (Latin Diva)
  9. Mario Talent (Aspiring Actor)
  10. Hobart Hughes (Director)
  11. Bobby Calling (Casting Director)
  12. Penelope Hughes (Director’s Wife)
  13. Princess Pop (Pop Star)
  14. Brady Comeback (Pop Star)
  15. Hunter Star (Pop Star and Aspiring Actor)
  16. Avery Scout (Talent Representative)
  17. J.J  Scoop (Entertainment News Reporter)
  18. M.C Award (Award Show Emcee)
  19. T. Redd (Aspiring Rap Artist)
  20. Ward Winner ( President of the Academy)

The names are really really really lame, and just for interest’s sake, I was Nats Gibson. 🙂

So, by that time, it was time to kick the party off, so the master of ceremonies, (Birthday Girl’s dad) started with his ceremony thing, and introduced everyone, and Birthday Girl did her welcome speech, and introduced everyone to the game. And then we started..

So, at the beginning of the game, we each got a envelope containing our identity (which we already knew, from a previous email we had received) our first objectives of the evening and some fake money, so there was nothing left to do except start sucking up, bribing, and getting into our characters for the evening, I happened to suck at all three with the greatest of ease. 🙂 I spent the first part of the evening chatting and trying to complete my objectives, (I got about 2 out 10 done, which I thought was acceptable) Then suddenly, in the midst of all our chats, the lights went out, there was a piercing scream, and about 5 secs later, a bang. The lights came on, and there was Angel Wood, lying spread out on the floor. Everyone gasped, and some started dabbing away at fake tears, which were threatening to fall. The M.C pulled out another piece of paper, (from his apparently inexhaustible supply,) and started reading, he handed out a second envelope which held still more objectives (Oh jelly tots, I hadn’t finished ma first) Then there was yet more chatting, bribing and arguing (mostly between Hobart and Penelope, who were married) I merely had lots of out of character chats with other willing people, and I think I only got about three of my objectives done, not my fault though, most of them involved Hobart, and he was always busy.

At the end of the evening, we had the prize giving from the ice-breaking quiz, (which we played at the beginning of the evening to well, break the ice) the prize for the best dressed, best actor, best sleuth, the person who had the most money, and so on and so forth. Unfortunately, the best sleuth award didn’t really work, because no-one suspected the murderer, who was (Drumrollllll)  Brady Comeback. So he got the chocolate. Then the parents started arriving, and so we all went home. The End.

So I hope you enjoyed that, I certainly did.  Tune in next week for Part Two of our Holidays

See Y’all later

Anna Montana